Tuesday, 9 September 2014


i'm interested in knowing people's foretime cause 

people say u can't judge a book with its cover 
and people cannot bet see through just by their appearance

how close even we are with our friends 
we don't 100% know each other every bits of past 

if you know what i've gone through \
u might see the other me 

but if you knew what i've gone through 
don't sympathize me , 
because i'm really 
blessed . ♥

find me brave and strong 

daddy mummy

猜到应该是爸爸上报纸了 哈哈哈
果然很了解公公 哈哈哈哈

等妈咪回来 她一定会laminate起来收着 嘿嘿 

看了后跟爸爸说 ‘我看到你哦真厉害’
他就打电话来了哈哈哈 他很开心的跟我说检查的事故 我也很有兴趣听 ^^

不久后 妈咪 whatsapp 我说她做了这个月的月刊封面  [ big laugh ]

我爸妈怎么那么 red [ big laugh x2 ]

如果有如果 - 

只要妈咪永远开心 幸福 健康 就很好很好很好了 ^^
您每次装坚强 笑笑当不在乎 我也以为你没事了
才知道原来你的心一点点被戳 根本没有愈合 [ shrunken ]

daddy也要身体健康不要只想着工作 ,要跟弟弟妹妹多聊天 ,
要不然她们应该会觉得您太严, 有时间带她们走走街 ,关系一定要好好