Thursday, 23 October 2014

Xinru's birthday ♥

teehee its xinru's birthday today !



kaaayy so there was this thing i'd create to understand xinru's favourites 
cause i supposed to have make a diy cake and dessert for her on her birthday 
but hahahahahhaha . 


yer although before and after looks very much different but really try my best to do derrr [ sobs ] luckily xinru's still feels okay with the taste [ gulps ] hehe


wanted to pay a visit to xinru as i wanted to surprised her cus i love her [ giggles ]
after that we too went to jusco tgv's to watch ouija ?
big gratitude to qiyuen [ impressed ]
wasn't really afraid before watching but when we watched wuawww 
brave [clappp]
oh ya ; i have not even a bit of idea to decide the passenger seat in car 
but then as xinru was planning to sit behind of the car was like a little too mean to let people drive alone so i'd asked her to sit infront then 
however , its eerie to have so much space beside after a horror movie . yeah . 


gush , over frightened in ouija n accidentaly banged 7y 
[ i didn't did it on purpose yehhhhh ]
but luckily i wasn't rejected to have sit beside still [ laugh ]

where got poeple who was afraid sit higher up oneeeeeeeeeeeeee :O

- ohhhhmyyyygodddddd - 

come 姐姐保护 you [ wa so yao yeng meee] ♪♫♥♪♫

mummy wanted me to have overnight in xinru's house cause she cancelled her meeting 
i thought i wouldn't be easy to fall asleep in people's house
but its really comfy this night [ grateful ]
but felt sorry to make xinying sleep with her parents 
[ sigh ] they might not have been sleeping good [ burden ]
thought of sleeping earlier but postponed an hour cause xr wanted to take selfies with my phone 
its okay , pictures stores memory 
ohyeah , yuhua's pe attire was really comfortable [ obsessed ]


woke up around 7 and laid on the bed till xinru's turning over n over the bed suddenly walked out 
i wonder what but she'd argue with her mummy cause of the overloudness of the sutra for prayers
hmph > didn't dare to move an inch when xinru's came back to sleep 
closed my eyes and pretended to have still sleeping cause i didn't know how to react if xinru suddenly speak to me [ shut my mouth ] woopss haha
not long later , walk as silent as possible to have get out of room to brush myself
yehet ! watch runningman was lots of fun [ giggles ]

ohno . 
when i suddenly hear some engine sound from the outside of the house 
paused my beloved running man to have peeked outside for a moment 
and i saw a endangered penguin infront of the gate 
i will never forget the words [ 他们 ] wuwowwowwow freaks me out 
mind got blank in a second [ shiubomb ]
nervous till i can't function my brain [ woops ]
walk a whole round of the car to finally get my seat o.O [ shiver ]
yer so got manners d me bow xia head liao [ heh ]
next time i will brave dao sot . overloadness friendly . excess courage HI HI HI 
[ shh ] in your imagination i mean erhem .
although the situation was really awkward 
big thanks to 7yan occasionally reduce the stiffness  
[ 360 degress bow ] 360 degrees ? ahh i mean stand straight 

not this bow


yet .
now only i realised the reason we stop texting 
didn't know it was because u had not been finding me 
due to several reasons 
but i used to think its just coincidence or maybe you got bored / no topic to talk about 
then its okay [ ahah ]


now only i realised i'm the only one that always text first recently
and the reply [ what ] for everytime too i didn't realise if you don't say 
i didn't know i thought it was just coincidence


although we were always good from long last time till now 
but only now i realised the difference between the long last conversation 
realised ? dum . 
questioning myself why did i take the initiative to start a convo


wyhxs . 
比起现在 今天才发现我更想念之前
之前的无所不谈 已经很久都没有了吗 /
[ laughlaughh ]


 the old times to be missed x x x        

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

jx's birthday

生日快乐啊 我说真的 非常谢谢你这四年来的包容 , 我知道我的脾气没有很好 有时候会伤害了你 你伤心了也不多说 也许在生活上我可能没有表现得你很重要 没有额外对你好 而且常常zat你 可是你是我珍惜的好好好好朋友 我记得你说过我之前跟老师说我没有好朋友让你很伤心 
也因此我明白原来你很在乎我 虽然感到抱歉 也不知所措 可是很庆幸知道了你的感受 那时候我跟你说其实我从之前就没有好朋友 不知道怎样才算是好朋友 所以说没有 因为之前在serisuria有出去走街都是参老师和男同学们 没有什么知心女性朋友 过候也跟你确认你是我好朋友 , 你终于放心了 , 之前是 现在还是  虽然我们常常因为小事情吵架影响对方的感情 可是谢谢你原意维护我们之间的友谊 宁愿自己低下头也要主动解决问题还能够因为我而改变 我知道你一定压抑了很久 用很多勇气写封短信给我 你一定很伤心 可是真的很感动 谢谢你一直对我那么好 每一次我问你能不能陪我去上厕所去这里去那里 你都不会让我一个人走 可能这种小事没有人怎么在意 也觉得理所当然 可是还是让我觉得你的存在感很重要 因为你的陪伴是每一个人能代替 不是每一个人都毫无拒绝的陪着我走 ,, 不用行动证明 , 心知就好 , 我一直很在乎你 , 可是在你心情不好的时候我真的不知道要怎样安慰你 , 可是没关系 , 你一直爱吃 , 下一次一不开心 , 我准备了食物给你 你就一定要开心哦 [hohoho] 因为是我要哄你而特地为你准备的 , 虽然或许我不再是你最喜欢的朋友 可是还是很爱你哦 我们一直幸福下去[wuuaww] 有心事也不要一个人收在心里 我可以为你保密 

the song you composed for me   
* 朋友永恒观照 为我撑着伞 为我奔波忙一天 
帮助不求回报 帮助为了拥抱 是最大的美好 
朋友永恒感动 快乐容易记 痛苦想找的那个 
改变称呼的人 改变习惯的人 是美好的回忆 
在所有当中 你的眼睛最善良 
里面住了小星星 一闪闪亮的都会变晶晶 
艾琳 (爱你) 你是我最好的朋友 去哪里都找不到 
谢谢你一路缘分的到来 *

每一句都真心表达回给你哦 孤单的时候不要觉得你只剩下一个人 我可能不在你身边 可是你还在我心里 所以你不会一个人 两个小时的时间我先送上祝福哦 


还有 我当然永远会在你身边 

Dumbo , love you up the moutain down the cooking oil .  hah . Happy birthday pabok  i've wondered alot to surprise you with my talent 😎 but i failed with all the outcome and filled up my family's tummy with fattening chocolate oh dies  thank you for your accompany in these slowlong d 4years 🌌 u know slowlong ? 漫长  gv you a kiss know you guess correct liao hooray  Thank you for not leaving me  and sparkling stars' waiting for u to compose a song for her 💕 grow up please its sweet 16 , don't love me too much or else we're gonna be single till 61 👭 happy lesbo day  be matured and continue your love to food kay 🍪 cause you look best when you eat the food i bring for you from your satisfaction smile 6teeth in a row don't draw thousands of smiley face on the paper  and make friends with your beibei when you're sad  write a mail to ailynnsta_ to get scolded from this consul , she's professional  i assured you 😎 don't say thankyou or love me 😯 love me more ya  ohno don't say love me 😯 love me more la  wops 🙊😯 love u oh  happy birthday 💕 #1021 no havent reach ghaw . #1021 


想了要在她生日那天找她 ♥
平时真的可以的 >< 我也舍得买给你

laobeh tiramisu mousse in tupperware & fantastic baby strawberry
弄出来的阿 ><

说好的巧克力碗最终变了 errr ><

摆脱姐姐载我们到jx 家
当然直接走进大门 原本还想伸手进去拿钥匙开家门呢><
只好等xieyiheng弟弟来开门 哈哈哈 可爱的

对了 jx 在亢里挖金 在挑选晚上穿的衣服 哈哈真可爱
最终发现我们 她还吓到整个人扑去床上 闭着眼睛 不知道一直在瞎说什么
哈哈哈哈哈 看到她开心的表情我们都很满足 
jx 说她很相信我 所以勇敢吃了 虽然卖相没有很好 可是也不错好吃 
也喂了 jingtong 和 yiherng 吃 ,哈哈哈 
弟弟很可爱 他吓到跳一下哈哈哈哈 可是还是有吃我喂的
哈哈哈哈 吓到的样子超级可爱 笑了超久

因为都是抽一点时间出来的 ><

喜欢你哦 love you 

一直以来 我不相信永远